***Admin Note: Class, I am bored. Literally. One thing about boredom is the simple fact that it’s nerve-racking. When you are bored, there are plenty of things you would like to be doing, but the lack of activity just deflates your spirits. For example, I am in Statistics class right now. The instructor is having discussion on the prior weeks homework assignment regarding standard deviation. Really? I mean how hard is standard deviation? All the professor had to say was that standard deviation is the square root of the variance. Simple as that. I hope my blogs do not bore you the way he is at the moment, LOL! What makes this situation so sad is that I am alone in this matter. I logged onto Facebook, and all my close friends are either not logged on or at work. Go figure when I am this jaded. I’ve sent seven texts, two Blackberry Messages, and even an email to myself. I’m not even sure if I answered that email. *shrugs* Oh well, I am here to entertain you with the last logical thought that has come across my uninterested psyche.***

I will restate this….I am tremendously bored. Statistics class is not giving me what I want right now. Quite frankly, I’m not sure what I want right now. Wait a minute, I’ll take that back, I want to try to apply “statistics” to a real life situation. I hope this works, and if not, well at least you can take away that I am in an altered state of intelligence right now.

Anyway, I find it amusing how people treat dating and relationships. While there is the emotional investment, I often hear people complaining that “I will never find anyone else”, or “I’m going to be alone forever”, or  some other random complaint of loneliness. Well I am here to expose a rather interesting (yet glaringly obvious) statistical fact that seems to surprise people when I say it, but seems so common sense to me. The truth is:99% of relationships end in failure.

Now you may say, “how did you come up with that statistic?”. To that I promptly reply, “think about it”.

Yes people, let’s think about it. You only marry one person, if you are blessed with an opportunity to marry someone. There are a few situations (polygamy or other multiple-partner relationships) that end in you finding more than one “special someone”, but obviously that isn’t the norm.

Realistically, for us normal people, you marry one person (or at least end up dating one into eternity). That means that every single other relationship before that person failed. It could have been 100 people or it could have been 10, but the fact is you had to fail at relationships a lot before finding someone.

 Ladies and gentlemen, relationships end, and they end often. Stop entering relationships thinking you’re going to be together forever (act like this to give yourself the best chance, but don’t be naive to the fact there is a good chance it will end). More than likely, you’re going to break up with the person and will recover and move on. If not, you’ll be happy forever. It’s nice to buy every lottery ticket hoping to be that one person to win, but realistically you know there is a good chance you won’t win. You don’t go planning your life “knowing” your going to win the lottery, and I say the same thing applies here. Don’t plan your life around the 1%.

Am I being too pessimistic, or does everyone see the truth in my “numbers”?

***And now this girl is staring a hole into my forehead, maybe she should read this post***