Sometimes I think moving my blog over to WordPress was the worst thing I’ve ever done with it. (That sounded quite harsh, didn’t it?) When I was on Blogger, I wasn’t really concerned with site stats, or hits, or even how many comments I receieved. I could just write and be carefree. I wrote when I felt like it, when I had something to share or say, when I felt inspired. Sometimes I wrote everyday, and then I would go months and then come back when I felt like it.

Since I’ve had the blog on WordPress, I’ve been so wrapped up in the “site stats” link on my dashboard. Its become like an obsession. I can see exactly how many people stop by, where they came from, what they clicked on, what they read, etc. I’m telling you, this drives me insane. Part of it is because I feel like a failure – I’ve been writing for a while and yet I get no love. Part of it is because I feel like there are blogs that aren’t as good who write crap yet they get tons of groupies hitting their posts everyday. Mostly I just feel like I’m way to wrapped up in what’s going on with my blog, specifically with who isn’t reading it and why.

I know blogging isn’t a competition…but I still feel like a failure at it, solely because of who or who doesn’t read. If I wanted to talk to myself I’d just write in my journal (which I do). Its disheartening to put time and energy into something and to have no one appreciate it or give you feedback.

I need to do better. I need to not care so much. It was so much easier when I didn’t care. I wanna go back to being carefree with the blog, and not being so caught up in it. Or maybe I just miss my old blog.