If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.” –Marcus Garvey

Has the gentleman ever felt like he has silenced his own voice in a crowded room? Quietly floating amongst other individuals who are more than willing to be vocal? Everyone appears to have an important message to articulate. Yet, the gentleman remains mute because he has surmised that no one else might find his voice interesting or appealing. Surely, another individual has already communicated the very thoughts that are on his mind. Maybe, the gentleman is patiently awaiting a better qualified party express his thoughts for him. To this I say: stop waiting.

I completely understand that occasionally a gent’s confidence may slightly wane. You may have experienced frustration, setbacks, and failures in the past. You may hold reservations about your future.

However, the confident gentleman must never be his own impediment. Your voice must be heard. Did Michael Jordan look at the basketball greats that played before him and conclude that he could not be great either? Or even greater? Did Dr. Martin Luther King survey the field of Civil Rights orators and conclude that his voice was not good enough? Or someone was bound to say what he wanted say anyway? Absolutely not!

Your voice is uniquely unique to you. Only you can express your hopes, inspirations, and testimonies in a fashion that has been custom tailored in your individuality. Stop being your own roadblock. Announce your voice to the world. Allow your confidence to fuel your diligence and give meaningful sound to your aspirations. Don’t wait, the people are waiting to hear from you. And so am I.